
CryptPad Blog

September 2024 status

2 Oct 2024 - David Benqué

We are back to our regular monthly blog post schedule after taking a break in August. Some of the team got to meet IRL during XWiki's annual seminar in France last week, right after XWiki's 🎂 20th birthday party.

🚀 🍁 Autumn release 2024.9.0

We have just wrapped up our Autumn release (2024.9.0) which is focused on server performance improvements. One of them is a new option to swap some of the cryptography used by CryptPad (TweetNaCl) with a more efficient replacement (Sodium). This is an optional plugin geared towards the performance needs of larger instances, currently in production on our flagship cryptpad.fr.

We will write a detailed tutorial blog post and documentation in the coming days.

🧑‍🔬 Andreea joins the team

We are delighted to announce that after a very productive internship, Andreea will be joining the team part-time as she completes her studies. She will continue working on improving our OnlyOffice integration in collaboration with Wolfgang.

🧰 XWiki seminar Hackathon 2024

The annual XWiki seminar always includes a hackathon day where teams work on things that they would not normally spend time on. This year the team worked on the following projects:

Tiptap application prototype

We tested the potential of Tiptap to power our Rich Text application. We are looking for a replacement to CKEditor which reached End of Life in June 2023. We managed a basic integration in one day that allowed to take stock of the work that would be necessary to build this into a full-fledged application.

Remove Bootstrap

Given recent security advisories and the fact that we override most of Bootstrap styles anyway, we wanted to know if we could remove this big dependency from our code-base. It turns out that although we don't benefit a lot from Bootstrap features, its styles still cascade to quite a few elements in the CryptPad user-interface and would require significant work to remove.

Penpot design system

XWiki now self-hosts Penpot—an open-source alternative to Figma—as an internal tool. Our XWiki colleague Pauline started a design system library to make the creation of future mockups easier.

color swatches in the CryptPad design system made with Penpot

📼 JDLL videos are online

Fabrice presented at the Journées du Logiciel Libre in Lyon, France earlier this year. The video of his talk is now available.

🔭 Next up

  • Starting work on the Winter release 2024.12.0
  • Launching a "cloud demo" service for managed CryptPad instances

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