CryptPad funding status November 2018
I've now let a few months pass since the last August status. I'm sorry about that as I have been very busy with XWiki SAS activities as well as conferences including CryptPad talks.
I've now let a few months pass since the last August status. I'm sorry about that as I have been very busy with XWiki SAS activities as well as conferences including CryptPad talks.
Europe's Next Generation Internet initiative awarded CryptPad the Privacy and trust-enhanced technologies startup award
We have now passed the summer since we have started the OpenCollective for CryptPad and started our campaign for funding CryptPad and ensuring its future in 2019, so I wanted to give an update on this funding initiative.
It's been a month now that we have started the OpenCollective for CryptPad and started our campaign for funding CryptPad and insuring it's future in 2019, so I wanted to give a status on this funding initiative.
In CryptPad development, we have always tried to push the limits of the technology.