
CryptPad Blog

October 2022 status

Oct 28, 2022 - David Benqué

📰 Review from Ubuntu Buzz

CryptPad received an in-depth and positive review from Ubuntu Buzz. They had already covered our Forms application earlier this year and it great to see them keep up to date with our work. Thank you Ade Malsasa Akbar!

🗓️🔁 Repeating events in Calendar

We are happy to announce that you can now repeat calendar events on Cryptpad.fr. This feature will be included in CryptPad 5.2, the next version planned for the end of 2022. We have received regular requests for this feature since the release of the Calendar application in May 2021. At the time we stretched the scope of our Dialogue research project (funded by NLNet/NGI Zero) to include this new Calendar app, and this meant we had to compromise on what features to include. We are glad to be adding this now and hope that it will make Calendar even more useful.

The calendar application with a weekly schedule of repeating tasks

Event creation dialog for a "weekly checkup" meeting

🎛️ Filter by document type in the drive

You can now filter documents by type in the drive. This feature was developed by Maxime Cesson, our summer intern, and is now available on Cryptpad.fr.

The document type filter in the drive

👨‍🔬 Theo joined the team

Theo has officially joined the team, and begun his investigation of how cryptography is used in CryptPad. He has started adding comments to the code, writing documentation, reviewing the state of the art, and drafting a whitepaper that will summarise his findings.

Key derivation for editable documents

📢 Forum open to the public

Our forum is now officially open to the public. We have started receiving feedback through this new channel and it is already proving easier to keep track of it than in ephemeral chats and/or GitHub issues. If you have requests, bug reports, or any questions about CryptPad please join and let us know.

🌐 New public instances

This month we welcome two new CryptPad instances to our list of public instances. The Netherlands-based non-profit Disroot is one of them, meaning that CryptPad instance are now available in 8 jurisdictions: Germany, Canada, Czech Republic, Netherlands, USA, Austria, Italy & France.

🔭 Next up

We are currently starting work on another set of long-requested features, this time in Forms. These improvements will make Forms suitable for even more use-cases, and make existing ones easier. We also hope to finalise agreements for some new research projects, after which we'll be in a better position to talk about our plans for 2023!

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